Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year’s Resolution

It’s that time of year again, when everyone says goodbye to the year past and makes promises to change something for the better in the next. Typically these resolutions are to lose weight, exercise more, increase time with friends, decrease time with the TV, etc. Why not take a look at your work-at-home situation and see what may need some fresh perspective there as well?

When you work from home, you have some advantages over folks in the office, especially as it relates to change. Many things are within your direct control. So, take a step back and take a close look…

Consider changing your office around. Move the furniture. Change it to a different room. Do something to mix it up and break up what has become the “same old, same old”.

Repaint! Color psychologists believe that the colors in your environment can have profound impacts on your emotions and productivity. For example, green is considered a restful color for your eye. It may be good to have green walls to give your eyes a break from staring at your computer monitor. Green is also said to help you relax and unwind, which may help you if you are in a high-stress position. Blue is said to help lower blood pressure and slow heart rates. However, it can also be perceived as chilly. So if you typically get cold or don’t get much sunlight, consider another color or some warm accents.  If your office is in a tiny spot, consider painting it white to help it feel open and airy. Tread lightly around colors like red (too passionate), orange (appetite stimulant), and black (melancholy). It’s your room – paint it what works for you!

Sitting is the new cancer, so they say. Consider altering your office to allow you to stand, such as a higher desk or even a treadmill desk. A wireless headset may help you break free from the desk cord and stand or pace while working, even with your traditional desk. A balance ball could replace your chair and help you at least work on your posture and core while sitting. Bonus: When used for work purposes, many of these can be tax deductions!

Take a fresh look at your routine. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating a healthy lunch? Are you taking routine breaks? Are you getting your exercise time in? If not, adjust! Go to bed earlier, get up earlier, change your lunch time, or do whatever minor schedule changes it takes to work in those habits. Remember, you aren’t sitting in traffic coming or going to work. That’s bonus time you need to put to good use. Know your power hours, when you are most productive, and align your work time to those hours, reserving the remaining time for other activities.

Turn on your camera! If you are feeling disconnected, multi-task crazy, or maybe even just a little lazy, then make sure you are using your webcam. The camera will be an instant connection with your coworkers. It will also typically force you to be more accountable towards your participation and personal appearance. Not many people want to be on camera in their jammies. And it’s hard to fake engagement in the conversation when people can see you looking at your phone. So, if you can’t trust yourself, trust others to watch you!

These are just a few ideas to help stimulate the conversation. The key to making any change is you. You must see the need for a change, want to change, and put the change into action.

Don’t let work-from-home become so monotonous that you take it for granted. Keep pushing yourself to be better so that you can keep this awesome perk and show everyone just how valuable this option is. Look out 2017 – we’re coming for you!

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