It is well documented that volunteering leads people to live happier, healthier, longer lives. Studies have shown that volunteering increases your brain function while also giving you an endorphin kick. Volunteering is a proven success factor for job hunting, resume building, career navigation, and college entrance. Additionally, volunteering gives back to communities in need - whatever the cause may be. Volunteering unites people, crossing lines of race, religion, politics, wealth, education, and the like. You might even say that volunteering is the thread that holds our fragile fabric of society together.
So why talk about that here? When you work remotely, you tend to isolate yourself and have less physical interaction with others. You may leave your house less, and your overall socialization diminishes. This can create feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression. It devolves your general social skills and keeps you less aware of what is happening in "the real world". (For example, I have no idea what the price of gas is any longer!) This can create a downward spiral in your personal and professional life. It is of dire importance when you work at home that you seek out face-to-face, physical interactions and remain a part of the world revolving around you.
Volunteering is an outstanding avenue to make this connection. Through volunteering, you will meet new people and develop new relationships. Many volunteer opportunities also involve you getting out of your home and connecting to the outside world. Work may keep you tethered to your home office, staring at the same four walls every day and talking only to yourself, but volunteering can unlock those chains and release you into the wild to run free. This external interaction will allow you to feel a part of something bigger. You will feel more engaged with society, have new and strong connections to people, and fight back against the feelings of loneliness.
Work-at-home associates have an edge over in-office counterparts on getting involved with community causes. Because these associates are already time-affluent, the hours they are not spending in traffic, eating in a break room, and going to the dry-cleaner are bonus hours that can easily be diverted to volunteering. So not only will it improve your feeling of belonging, you won't be "giving up" your free time to do it!
So what are you waiting for? Go make a positive impact on the world, and be wowed by positive impact to your own world.